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Go Green.

Do you have a hobby? Does it happen to include collecting of something? See, I. Love. Tea. I've never been a huge coffee drinker, but I do love my tea. The 8 years I worked at Starbucks included collecting tea after tea after tea. Well, even though that tea is gone and I no longer work there, my collection of tea hasn't stopped. The problem is that my tea cabinet was getting so full I...

1. didn't even know what I had anymore

2. couldn't keep anything organized

3. never used most my tea because, out of sight out of mind.

Also, I am prepping for a BIG move in a couple of months. The last thing I want to do is pack boxes and boxes of tea to be put on a truck for weeks. Ick. And why not use this as an opportunity to start fresh? I always have wanted to live more simplistically, and though I know I will never be there 100%, I can work on it every day.

This is when the idea of a tea party came to mind. I called it, "Sip & Snag". Come drink some tea and then TAKE IT HOME. The party was a success. So much so that I think doing this in other areas of life would benefit others too. Why not have a get together where you and some friends brings clothes you don't need anymore, or kitchen items, baby things, non-expired food you know you won't ever use...You might not be using them but someone you know might, and vice versa. Give it a try, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome!

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